Please don’t give us fish, just teach us how to fish!
Please don’t give us food, just teach us how to grow it!
Mission Statement
Our mission is to teach young learners how to start a sustainable vegetable garden, and in so doing, providing the learners with the knowledge and skills to become self reliant. Through the school, staff, local and international volunteers; we will teach children the importance of soil care and the value of having fresh organic vegetables every day. We will also teach the children the value of a healthy lifestyle, enabling the learners to bring their own knowledge home and into their communities, many of which are struggling to sustain a healthy diet and provide a lifestyle that everyone deserves.
The produce will be sold to local businesses, especially those that promote organic produce, thus creating a sustainable community structure. The proceeds will go towards the school and bursary scholarships. Using the classic principles of Ubuntu, the children are contributing to their own welfare and that of their less fortunate fellow students. Businesses, local and international volunteers in turn learn skills on how to become an integral and contributing part of their community.
· Children will create their own compost from organic waste from home and school.
· Tourists from the Happy Hippo and other businesses in the area, for example will donate their organic waste for compost. In turn they buy vegetables from Addington School which contributes to environmental sustainability.
· Another environmental benefit is to get local businesses to recycle and become more responsible corporate citizens overall, in addition to working with the community.
· Children take the recycling notion home to their communities, as well as an understanding of the environment.
· In future, international organic farming students can come and contribute as part of an organized voluntary program.
· Helps school towards more fiscal independence from donors, ensuring future generations education. As is evident from the fiscal crisis of 2008-2009, donor funding may sometimes dry up. This may be a pilot program for other schools as well.
· The child learns an intrinsic basic life skill that can sustain them even from primary school.
· Parents also have another opportunity to contribute to their child’s education by incorporating the techniques at home and learn another way of supplementing their income.
· Children’s self esteem is enhanced.
· Beautifies the school and the local community, and children can learn to beautify their own home.
Water tanks:
We are looking at installing water tanks that are connected to the gutters so that we can catch valuable natural rain water, to water and nurture our gardens. We are always looking at ways which are cost effective as water costs money.
“I guess this is the world that we live in,
It’s not too late for that
This is the world that we live in
And no we can’t go back”
‘The Killers-2009’
Why not make a small difference?
On behalf of all the teachers and children of Addington Primary School, we wish to thank you for your invaluable time in making the effort to read our proposal.
Here’s to one step closer to a more caring and united world!
When contacting us, could you please address it to the Principle and communications liaisons, and cc Michael and Michelle Brooks